Monday, 9 June 2014


You are welcome once again to the arena of ‘Webfortunes’, which, as usual; is meant for all and sundry- anytime and anywhere on the globe. It is quite interesting to realize that the web is a universal avenue that provides unlimited opportunity for whosoever cares to take the vital step that will bring the highly desirable change and improvement to his or her financial status.
    For those who are looking for goods and services to access online, it could come from any part of the globe; just as the buyer could as well be from any part of the planet earth. Soft-wares are being created for varying purposes every second each day of our life in order to cope with the insatiable need of improvement and upgrade of various online projects being created by man incessantly.
     I read about a woman by name Rose Hatley who spoke recently in a local web marketing seminar held in her country; she said, “I can tell you with all assurance that my success in online business could be attributed to various contributions of online experts from different parts of the world; mention it, there great internet marketing experts from Australia, China, South America, Africa, America, Canada, Japan or any other place in the world, I have benefitted from online marketing experts, website design experts and many others from different parts of the world…it’s a global phenomenon all the way!”   
       Contributing adequately to the situation are such resources as communication avenues using e-mail and a lot of social media that help to propagate whatever idea, concept or contribution you intend to promote to the wide world…it’s all quite thrilling and unimaginable, the impact of those valuable resources.
       Also worthy of mention is the universally accepted currency for online payment which is largely the American dollar; and some others like the Euro, the Pound Sterling, the Japanese Yen; etc but the dollar is most widely acceptable. There are also, various means of collection and making payment. To most online regular patrons, such terms as Web-money, Perfect-money, Alert-pay, E-go pay, Pay-pal; different credit cards, etc are the familiar means of online payment and receiving money.
       All you need to do is find out the type that may work for you best and consult the experts before choosing a certain method. Once you get used to the mode of operating whichever method you choose, you can continue with your online business pursuits without fear of any unexpected hitch.
     However, even though it is quite interesting and even thrilling to operate online business, it is also noteworthy to mention the fact that it is not usually quite rosy all the way; you need to be ware of online fraudsters who are extremely smart and deadly in their mode of operations. A lot of them pose as online business experts, Lawyers who are willing to ‘help’ stranded ones while some also pose as clergymen-online; you need to be extremely careful while striking a deal with any one online. All the same there are lots of web fortunes awaiting those who are willing to play the game according to the laid down rules..!            

Friday, 7 March 2014


‘Webfortunes’ is here beckoning again to all and sundry; in a bid to ensure that as many as possible shall come to share from the endless opportunities available on the web where you may make some money for yourself- online income is for real…
         I have met a good number of people who have made great purchases online. The items could range from very small items like pairs of shoes, jewelries, hand bags, shirts, pairs of trousers and even body pomade! The items are endless; you can as well search for, make your selection and purchase any car of your choice too!  The most unavoidable advice you need to heed to is that you should consult those who are experienced in the business and make sure you follow the right process.
           Mr. Tezney Raymond is a well known local car dealer; his story is that of grass to grace; a story that took place within a short time. According to him, it sounded too good to be true when he first heard that he could place an order for, and take delivery of a vehicle of his choice right in the comfort of his own room. He eventually learned the basics and gave it a try by placing an order for a Toyota Corolla saloon car; and that was the beginning of a new era for him.
         Within a space of two years, he had imported more than a couple of dozens of cars of different shades from different parts of the world with all of them raking in great profits into his bank account. “It’s a pity a great deal of people are not aware of the massive opportunities that await them on the web”, he said enthusiastically during an internet marketing seminar organized by a group of online business experts.
        He narrated how he too spent sleepless nights wondering whether it was true, or whether it was real, “…then I decided to take a positive step at once and I can confirm it to you today as you can see for yourselves that I have since been moving ahead on the ladder of fortune…” he concluded. Truly as a well known local car dealer, many attendees of the seminar were pleasantly surprised to learn about how Tezney use to get the cars that he sells… It’s a fortune that awaits all those who care…   

Monday, 10 February 2014


 ‘Webfortunnes’ is a phenomenon that beckons to as many as possible to come and have bountiful shares of the inestimable wealth on the web. The web is vast, universal and all encompassing. The web does not discriminate against any set of people, gender or chronology. It is equally amazing to realize that any kind of goods or service can be accessed on the web. Whether you are buying or selling on the web; be sure you do it right so you can make profit and thus make your life better.
        It is therefore not surprising to find that there are various forms or methods of making payment and also to receive the same on the web; especially when it is not customary to pay in physical cash. There is more or less a generally accepted monetary denomination the web, and that is the American Dollar. Since people participate in online business activities from different parts of the world, it is important to find the avenue through which the local currency can be converted to the dollar.
        I shall say that I am pleasantly surprised to come across various kinds of e currencies being used one way or the other on the web. I shall list some of them hereby; even though the list is inexhaustible as more of such are being created from time to time. Some of them include:  perfect money, verve cards, visa cards, master cards, paypal, webmoney, exness excard, western Union/ Moneygram, money bookers, Bitcoin, pexpay, etc.
       All the mentioned devices and many more help in making smooth transaction on the web, it is good for you to find out which of them suits your purpose and go ahead to make use of it. One thing is certain; and that is the fact that it is usually free to own a functional account with most of the listed e -currencies. However, you must be prepared to adhere to laid down rules guiding the use of the e currencies to avoid losing your account including whatever amount is deposited in such account.
     Online businesses are real and highly profitable if you take the right step and play your game according to the rule. Making fortunes on the web has happened in the lives of hundreds and even thousands of people who are masters of one internet marketing skill or another-join the train today!

Friday, 24 January 2014


Webfortunes beckon to all who are willing and are aware of the fact that there are lots of avenues to earn substantial income online the legitimate way. Sometimes you make money directly from the web while the money may come indirectly as well. You may come about some valuable items or resources that may pave way for you to enhance your economic status or pave way for you to upgrade your professional status.
         This was the case with a well known educationist called Professor Raphidimo; a specialist in the study of History and International relations. He was invited to speak to the students of a local secondary school in a week-long event tagged ‘Career Week’ meant to enlighten and prepare the students of the school for great future. The speaker was to show the eager students “How to become great in life”; he was to show them the practical methods that could be adopted by the students in order to tread the path of greatness.
        “In order to become great, one of the effective methods is to study the lives of the great personalities-both the present and the past, and apply some of their worthwhile personal principles to your own life.” He told his totally gripped audience that everything about him changed as soon as he started reading about the great personalities; one after the other. His thinking pattern, reaction to issues, willingness and courage to face life challenges –all changed for better; he asserted.
      He asked the students if they ever heard about any or some of the names of great personalities he was about to mention. As he mentioned each of them the students cheered uproariously. He mentioned such names as Chairman Mao of China, Pandit Nehru and Indira Gandhi, both of India; Winston Churchill of England, George Washington and  J F Kennedy of the United States of America, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Nnamdi Azikwe of Nigeria, Barak Obama- also of America, etc. On the religious side, he mentioned the Lord Jesus Christ, D L Moody, Wigglesworth, Billy Graham, Rein hard Bonkey and some others.
           “The most interesting part of it all is that you don’t need to spend a fortune to access the information you need about the great personalities that you want to learn about; all you need is to connect to the web and either conduct a search through one of the search engines or go to one of the rich web libraries and you get even more than you need…”   

Thursday, 16 January 2014


  Webfortunes is about making profits in whatever online business you decide to undertake. The fact is that there are limitless opportunities beckoning on those intending to upgrade their economic life standards and attain ultimate financial freedom.
            Mr. Koziro had been engrossed in deep thoughts as to how or what he could do to attain an enhanced financial status; he even noticed that most of his colleagues at the work place were faring far better than him financially including those who were earning the same salary with him! “I wonder how these people (his friends and colleagues) manage to keep higher economic profile than I; there must be some secrets I am yet to learn…” he thought to himself.
      Eventually, he decided to confide in a close friend called Rodeo who happened to be a junior worker at the company but was apparently on a higher financial level. “I have to be sincere with you,” snapped Rodeo as Koziro watched him in a dejected mood. “Your best bet towards attaining an enhanced financial status is to take up some online jobs that can provide you with supplementary income.”
    “But you know my wife easily gets crossed at anything of that nature.” “Yes, you are right; but the choice is yours-either to take a positive step that can upgrade your lifestyle or to continue with your present dismal condition”; said Rodeo as he stood up to go away from the table that was positioned in a secluded part of a restaurant where that had both sat down to discuss Koziro’s economic plight.
      Madam Koziro had noticed that her husband started spending extra hours in the night by his lap top and she didn’t hesitate to try and find out what could be happening. She walked quietly to him to have a look at what he was up to. “All these questionnaires, what purpose could they be serving?” she asked her husband. “Oh yes, the company is asking each of the employees to give their opinions concerning some matters.” “Your company is demanding opinion on what?” “Yes; this is what we call ‘online survey’ or ‘opinion polls,’” it touches many aspects of the society; Koziro answered his inquisitive (and curious) wife. Since there was nothing indicating criminality about it, she raised no objections.
      The family’s economic life started improving as a result of the supplementary income accruing from the online paid surveys embarked upon by Koziro; it was the ‘easiest option’ he decided to undertake from the options of online business opportunities presented to him by Rodeo- a close friend a few days earlier and he wasted no time in registering with some online paid survey sites.
      Felicitas his wife was amazed to learn that such a ‘simple and plain’ exercise could yield some reasonable income after her husband revealed to her that the couple of hours he spends conducting the online polls on daily basis had been the source of the extra income. “I think I shall like to participate also,” she said frantically to the amazement of her husband and he said, “My friends will be treated to pleasant and great surprises when they hear about the latest development in the family..!”